This specialized
equipment was designed and manufactured by TCW for clean up efforts related to
the BP U.S. Gulf Oil Spill. This equipment was key to dealing with the large
volume of sorbent boom generated by the spill.
The Big Squeeze reduces
the volume of the solid waste by 75% and is capable of consolidating four-30
yard open top roll-off containers. All of the hazardous free-standing liquids
are removed prior to the waste being shipped to the landfill.
The Big Squeeze can
be utilized on land or off shore for response to oil spill clean-up efforts and
other hazardous materials applications.
Reduction 75%
Reduces Truck
Traffic By 75%
Potential Future Liabilities
Transportation Costs
Containment Of
Waste In Sealed Water Tight Shipping Container
Safety and
Security - Prevents Unauthorized Access To Hazardous Waste